Y O G A  for  T R A N S F O R M I N G   T R A U M A:
References, Articles and Links

yoga for trauma references

In the process of researching yoga’s natural role in healing the effects of trauma, I have found numerous useful resources that I share in workshops and sessions. In the interest of supporting more universal healing and sharing the effective tools yoga gives us, here are some of the most valuable and ground-breaking references, articles and links I have come across.

Organisations and Websites
The Trauma Centre at the Justice Resource Institute
Gita International Yoga
Trauma Sensitive Yoga Australia
Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA)
Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF)
Gangesyoga: Life beyond Trauma

Yoga and the Transformation of Trauma – Books, articles and videos

(Video) Heroes of Peace: The Story of the Hobart Veterans' Yoga group, Poignant and beautifully crafted 10 minute documentary, available at Gangesyoga: Life beyond Trauma

Hope: How Yoga Heals the Scars of Trauma, Helen Cushing (Swami Ahimsadara Saraswati), to be published in Autumn 2016

Trauma Sensitive Yoga in Therapy: Bringing the Body into Treatment, David Emerson, 2015, W.W. Norton & Co. New York

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma,
 Bessel van der Kolk 2014 Viking, New York

Yoga as an Adjunctive Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial, B van der Kolk et al, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 75:0,2014

‘Yoga and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: An interview with Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., Integral Yoga Magazine 2009, pp12-13

"Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body", by David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper, 2011.

‘Healing Life’s Trauma’s’ , by Denise Kersten Wills, Yoga Journal

Moving to Heal: Women’s experiences of therapeutic Yoga After Complex Trauma, Jennifer West, 2011, UMI, ProQuest, USA  

Application of Yoga in Residential Treatment of Traumatized Youth Spinazzola, J., Rhodes, A., Emerson, D., Earle, E., Monroe, K., Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2011, 17(6) 431-444.

‘Interview: Yoga Teachers as Part of the Clinical Team’ Emerson, D., Yoga Therapy Today, Summer 2012, pp 24-25.

Transcending Trauma, Sparrowe, L., Yoga International, Fall 2011, pp 48-53, 89.

Trauma Sensitive Yoga Therapy – an Informed Teaching Approach’, Jacqueline Brady-Schneider, ASCA newsletter, 'Breaking Free', July 2012 edition, page 7,

“Warrior One": Yoga Pose Takes on Whole New Meaning at VA Salt Lake City Calhoon, Y., U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, February, 2013

‘Warriors at Peace’ - Pollack, N., Yoga Journal, August 2010, pp. 74-104

Yoga Therapy in Practice: Trauma-Sensitive Yoga: Principles, Practice, and Research - Emerson, D., Sharma, R., Chaudry, S., Turner, J., International Journal of Yoga Therapy, No. 19 (2009), pp. 123-128

A Few Useful Trauma References

ASCA (Adults Surviving Child Abuse) Fact sheets – Understanding trauma – information for survivors, families, managers, health professionals, GPs, community workers.

Eight Keys to Trauma Recovery: Take Charge Strategies to Empower Your Healing,
Babette Rothschild, 2010

SMART (Strategies for Managing Abuse-Related Trauma) discussion papers
, Australian Childhood Foundation, for example: Discussion Paper 5 - Extending our understanding of the role of specific brain structures in responding to trauma Discussion Paper 18 - Polyvagal Theory and its implications for Traumatised Students Discussion Paper 19 - Mindful Teachers, Mindful Kids, Peaceful Schools.

"The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Treatment", by Babette Rothschild, 2000

"Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy", by Pat Ogden et al, 2006

"Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society", edited by B.van der Kolk, A. McFarlane & L. Weisaeth 1996

‘Why Can’t I Get On With My Life?: Some Impacts of Childhood Sexual Assault on the Life of Adult Survivors’ Juliet Summers, SECASA, viewed Sept 16, 2003